ditching the yogurt pouch


This year we are trying to reduce our waste around the house. One of the biggest areas of waste for my family is in the kitchen. You know, plastic produce bags, packaged snacks, soap and the list goes on. We are making progress, but it takes time. One pesky snack we couldn’t kick was the yogurt pouch. I am sure we will buy them again for trips or busy times, but for now they are gone. To save on plastic, packaging, and the added bonus of cost we are buying whole fat, grass fed yogurt in a large container. This yogurt is usually thick and feels more like a treat. I let the kids doctor it up however they would like. Sometimes we use fruit, granola, seeds, honey, or all of the above. It fills them up, is a proper snack they sit for, and WAY more nutritious. If you have really little kids serving yogurt with a spoon is great practice for them. It’s sort of part meal part arts and crafts/body paint.

The citrus fruit has been delicious this month! We are putting blood oranges on everything, including yogurt. Added bonus if your kids don’t like oranges try these. One of mine declared they don’t look like oranges but happily gobbled up a blood orange because of the color. Obviously, I called this mysterious fruit by the wrong name because it is not orange. Four year olds!

Full Fat Grass Fed Yogurt

Oranges Slices

Vermont Honey

Organic Pepitas

